
Scientific writing

hyphen连字符 /en dash连接号 /em dash破折号

hyphen: “-”

  • 单词没写完需要换行
  • check-in
  • 323-4837448
  • My name is John,j-o-h-n

en dash: “–” 宽度和字母 n 相近,有了En dash 这个名字。

  • September 18–October 30 10 a.m–11 a.m 1–2 hours

  • pp. 89–101 80–120 kph chapters 6–9

  • east–west Rail,即东西线铁路 Shanghai–London flight,即上海至伦敦的航班

  • 3–2 ,即比分为3比2

  • 当句子中已经使用了 from…to 句型时,为了保证句子的平衡性和完整性,不能再使用en-dash (–)进行替代。 I work every day from 9 am to 5 pm.
    I work every day from 9am–5pm. ×

  • 当需要构成由两个以上单词组成的较复杂的复合词时,有时会使用 En dash 代替 hyphen 来进行连接,使句子整体看起来更具易读性和平衡感。 The Nobel Prize–winning writer The Yuan Dynasty–style vase

  • 避免和减号混淆,有的地方最好不要用 en dash −4 to −6°C

em dash: “—” 宽度和字母M相近, 有了 Em dash 这个名字。

  • 补充对句子其他部分而言相对不重要的信息 To get to London from here—you are heading there, right?—you need a car.

  • 代替冒号、逗号或括号,起到分隔句子、对语义进行补充说明对意思。 Please call my colleague—Adam Smith—on Monday. Multiple languages are spoken in Singapore—English,Chinese,and Native languages.

on Windows:

  • hyphen: minus
  • en dash: alt + 0150
  • em dash: alt + 0151

on Mac:

  • hyphen: minus
  • en dash: option + minus
  • em dash: option + shift + minus

in Word:

  • en dash: ctrl+ 小键盘的减号

  • em dash: ctrl+ alt + 小键盘的减号

  • en dash: word + space + hyphen + space + word

  • em dash: word + hyphen + hyphen + word

  • en dash: 先输入2013,再alt + x

  • em dash: 先输入2014,再alt + x



2005 年6 月修订的《图书编校质量差错认定细则》第三十三条规定:



  1. The title of Stephen R. Covey’s book is **The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People **.(书名 斜体。)
  2. In a 2010 essay, “Only Disconnect,” Gary Shteyngart describes his experience of reading an ink-and-paper book.(文章名 引号)
  3. In the ‘Introduction’ to The Sacred Wood, Arnold’s failure to live up to Eliot’s definition of a true critic is diagnosed in remarkably similar terms as a swerving from ‘the centre of interest and activity of the critical intelligence’(1957, xii) in pursuit of ‘game outside of the literary preserve altogether, much of it political game untouched and inviolable by ideas’(1957, xiii).( Introduction是篇名 引号。The Sacred Wood是书名 斜体。)
  4. Along with a number of book reviews and brief articles, this corpus consists chiefly of just six major essays: ‘The Truth of Masks’(1885), ‘The Decay of Lying’(1889), ‘Pen, Pencil and Poison’(1889), ‘The Portrait of Mr. W. H.’(1889), ‘The Soul of Man Under Socialism’(1890) and ‘The Critic as Artist’(1890).(论文名 引号。)
  5. Focusing on the needs of scientists, Nature (founded in 1869) is the leading weekly, international scientific journal.(刊物名 斜体。)
  6. Founded in 1845, Scientific American is the oldest continuously published magazine in the US and the leading authoritative publication for science in the general media. (刊物名 斜体。)
  7. In Boston, in 1820, the two dailies were The Boston Daily Advertiser and the Boston Patriot and Daily Mercantile Advertiser.(报纸名 斜体。)
  8. The national newspaper USA TODAY was one response to the problem. (报纸名 斜体。)
  9. The book is an 1892 Victorian novel by W. H. Mallock titled A Human Document.(长篇小说名 斜体。短篇小说名 双引号,见例12。)
  10. In 458, Aeschylus wrote his best known cycle, The Oresteia, which is the only surviving complete ancient trilogy.(戏剧的三部曲 斜体。)
  11. The first play, Agamemnon, tells the story of the return of Agamemnon, king of Argos, from the Trojan War.(戏剧名 斜体。)
  12. I shed tears over two stories of childhood shadowed by unbearable memory:“The Hare’s Mask,” by Mark Slouka, with its piercing ending, and Claire Keegan’s Irish-inflected tale of neglect and rescue,“Foster.”(短篇小说 双引号。)


Scientific writing

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