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CFD collection

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CS collection

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OpenFOAM wall function

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OpenFOAM unit

OpenFOAM unit The international system of units (SI) is as follows. No. Property SI unit USCS unit 1 Mass kilogram (kg) pound-mass (lbm) 2 Length metre (m) foot (ft) 3 Time second (s) second (s) 4 Temperature Kelvin (K) degree Rankine (°R) 5 Quantity mole (mol) mole (mol) 6 Current ampere (A) ampere (A) 7 Luminous intensity candela (cd) candela (cd) The Dimension [kg, m, s, K, mol, A, cd]

CFD software

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CFD hardware

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Scientific writing

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Matlab notes

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couplekiss_woman_woman 💑 couple_with_heart couple_with_heart_woman_man 👨‍❤️‍👨 couple_with_heart_man_man 👩‍❤️‍👩 couple_with_heart_woman_woman 👨‍👩‍👦 family family_man_woman_boy 👨‍👩‍👧 family_man_woman_girl 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 family_man_woman_girl_boy 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 family_man_woman_boy_boy 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 family_man_woman_girl_girl 👨‍👨‍👦 family_man_man_boy 👨‍👨‍👧 family_man_man_girl 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 family_man_man_girl_boy 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 family_man_man_boy_boy 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 family_man_man_girl_girl 👩‍👩‍👦 family_woman_woman_boy 👩‍👩‍👧 family_woman_woman_girl 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 family_woman_woman_girl_boy 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 family_woman_woman_boy_boy 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 family_woman_woman_girl_girl 👨‍👦 family_man_boy 👨‍👦‍👦 family_man_boy_boy 👨‍👧 family_man_girl 👨‍👧‍👦 family_man_girl_boy 👨‍👧‍👧 family_man_girl_girl 👩‍👦 family_woman_boy 👩‍👦‍👦 family_woman_boy_boy 👩‍👧 family_woman_girl 👩‍👧‍👦 family_woman_girl_boy 👩‍👧‍👧 family_woman_girl_girl Person Symbol icon code icon code 🗣 speaking_head 👤 bust_in_silhouette 👥 busts_in_silhouette 👣 footprints Animals & Nature Animal Mammal icon code icon code 🐵 monkey_face 🐒 monkey 🦍 gorilla 🐶 dog 🐕 dog2 🐩 poodle 🐺 wolf 🦊 fox_face 🐱 cat 🐈 cat2 🦁 lion 🐯 tiger 🐅 tiger2 🐆 leopard 🐴 horse 🐎 racehorse 🦄 unicorn 🦌 deer 🐮 cow 🐂 ox 🐃 water_buffalo 🐄 cow2 🐷 pig 🐖 pig2 🐗 boar 🐽 pig_nose 🐏 ram 🐑 sheep 🐐 goat 🐪 dromedary_camel 🐫 camel 🐘 elephant 🦏 rhinoceros 🐭 mouse 🐁 mouse2 🐀 rat 🐹 hamster 🐰 rabbit 🐇 rabbit2 🐿️ chipmunk 🦇 bat 🐻 bear 🐨 koala 🐼 panda_face 🐾 feet paw_prints Animal Bird icon code icon code 🦃 turkey 🐔 chicken 🐓 rooster 🐣 hatching_chick 🐤 baby_chick 🐥 hatched_chick 🐦 bird 🐧 penguin 🕊 dove 🦅 eagle 🦆 duck 🦉 owl Animal Amphibian icon code icon code 🐸 frog Animal Reptile icon code icon code 🐊 crocodile 🐢 turtle 🦎 lizard 🐍 snake 🐲 dragon_face 🐉 dragon Animal Marine icon code icon code 🐳 whale 🐋 whale2 🐬 dolphin flipper 🐟 fish 🐠 tropical_fish 🐡 blowfish 🦈 shark 🐙 octopus 🐚 shell Animal Bug icon code icon code 🐌 snail 🦋 butterfly 🐛 bug 🐜 ant 🐝 bee honeybee 🪲 beetle 🕷️ spider 🕸️ spider_web 🦂 scorpion Plant Flower icon code icon code 💐 bouquet 🌸 cherry_blossom 💮 white_flower 🏵️ rosette 🌹 rose 🥀 wilted_flower 🌺 hibiscus 🌻 sunflower 🌼 blossom 🌷 tulip Plant Other icon code icon code 🌱 seedling 🌲 evergreen_tree 🌳 deciduous_tree 🌴 palm_tree 🌵 cactus 🌾 ear_of_rice 🌿 herb ☘️ shamrock 🍀 four_leaf_clover 🍁 maple_leaf 🍂 fallen_leaf 🍃 leaves Food & Drink Food Fruit icon code icon code 🍇 grapes 🍈 melon 🍉 watermelon 🍊 mandarin orange tangerine 🍋 lemon 🍌 banana 🍍 pineapple 🍎 apple 🍏 green_apple 🍐 pear 🍑 peach 🍒 cherries 🍓 strawberry 🥝 kiwi_fruit 🍅 tomato Food Vegetable icon code icon code 🥑 avocado 🍆 eggplant 🥔 potato 🥕 carrot 🌽 corn 🌶️ hot_pepper 🥒 cucumber 🍄 mushroom 🥜 peanuts 🌰 chestnut Food Prepared icon code icon code 🍞 bread 🥐 croissant 🥖 baguette_bread 🥞 pancakes 🧀 cheese 🍖 meat_on_bone 🍗 poultry_leg 🥓 bacon 🍔 hamburger 🍟 fries 🍕 pizza 🌭 hotdog 🌮 taco 🌯 burrito 🥙 stuffed_flatbread 🥚 egg 🍳 fried_egg 🥘 shallow_pan_of_food 🍲 stew 🥗 green_salad 🍿 popcorn Food Asian icon code icon code 🍱 bento 🍘 rice_cracker 🍙 rice_ball 🍚 rice 🍛 curry 🍜 ramen 🍝 spaghetti 🍠 sweet_potato 🍢 oden 🍣 sushi 🍤 fried_shrimp 🍥 fish_cake 🍡 dango Food Marine icon code icon code 🦀 crab 🦐 shrimp 🦑 squid Food Sweet icon code icon code 🍦 icecream 🍧 shaved_ice 🍨 ice_cream 🍩 doughnut 🍪 cookie 🎂 birthday 🍰 cake 🍫 chocolate_bar 🍬 candy 🍭 lollipop 🍮 custard 🍯 honey_pot Drink icon code icon code 🍼 baby_bottle 🥛 milk_glass ☕ coffee 🍵 tea 🍶 sake 🍾 champagne 🍷 wine_glass 🍸 cocktail 🍹 tropical_drink 🍺 beer 🍻 beers 🥂 clinking_glasses 🥃 tumbler_glass Dishware icon code icon code 🍽️ plate_with_cutlery 🍴 fork_and_knife 🥄 spoon 🔪 hocho knife 🏺 amphora Travel & Places Place Map icon code icon code 🌍 earth_africa 🌎 earth_americas 🌏 earth_asia 🌐 globe_with_meridians 🗺️ world_map 🗾 japan Place Geographic icon code icon code 🏔 mountain_snow ⛰️ mountain 🌋 volcano 🗻 mount_fuji 🏕️ camping ⛱ beach_umbrella 🏜️ desert 🏝️ desert_island 🏞️ national_park Place Building icon code icon code 🏟️ stadium 🏛️ classical_building 🏗️ building_construction 🏘 houses 🏚 derelict_house 🏠 house 🏡 house_with_garden 🏢 office 🏣 post_office 🏤 european_post_office 🏥 hospital 🏦 bank 🏨 hotel 🏩 love_hotel 🏪 convenience_store 🏫 school 🏬 department_store 🏭 factory 🏯 japanese_castle 🏰 european_castle 💒 wedding 🗼 tokyo_tower 🗽 statue_of_liberty Place Religious icon code icon code ⛪ church 🕌 mosque 🕍 synagogue ⛩️ shinto_shrine 🕋 kaaba Place Other icon code icon code ⛲ fountain ⛺ tent 🌁 foggy 🌃 night_with_stars 🏙️ cityscape 🌄 sunrise_over_mountains 🌅 sunrise 🌆 city_sunset 🌇 city_sunrise 🌉 bridge_at_night ♨️ hotsprings 🎠 carousel_horse 🎡 ferris_wheel 🎢 roller_coaster 💈 barber 🎪 circus_tent Transport Ground icon code icon code 🚂 steam_locomotive 🚃 railway_car 🚄 bullettrain_side 🚅 bullettrain_front 🚆 train2 🚇 metro 🚈 light_rail 🚉 station 🚊 tram 🚝 monorail 🚞 mountain_railway 🚋 train 🚌 bus 🚍 oncoming_bus 🚎 trolleybus 🚐 minibus 🚑 ambulance 🚒 fire_engine 🚓 police_car 🚔 oncoming_police_car 🚕 taxi 🚖 oncoming_taxi 🚗 car red_car 🚘 oncoming_automobile 🚙 blue_car 🚚 truck 🚛 articulated_lorry 🚜 tractor 🏎️ racing_car 🏍 motorcycle 🛵 motor_scooter 🚲 bike 🛴 kick_scooter 🚏 busstop 🛣️ motorway 🛤️ railway_track 🛢️ oil_drum ⛽ fuelpump 🚨 rotating_light 🚥 traffic_light 🚦 vertical_traffic_light 🛑 stop_sign 🚧 construction Transport Water icon code icon code ⚓ anchor ⛵ boat sailboat 🛶 canoe 🚤 speedboat 🛳️ passenger_ship ⛴️ ferry 🛥️ motor_boat 🚢 ship Transport Air icon code icon code ✈️ airplane 🛩️ small_airplane 🛫 flight_departure 🛬 flight_arrival 💺 seat 🚁 helicopter 🚟 suspension_railway 🚠 mountain_cableway 🚡 aerial_tramway 🛰️ artificial_satellite 🚀 rocket Hotel icon code icon code 🛎️ bellhop_bell Time icon code icon code ⌛ hourglass ⏳ hourglass_flowing_sand ⌚ watch ⏰ alarm_clock ⏱️ stopwatch ⏲️ timer_clock 🕰️ mantelpiece_clock 🕛 clock12 🕧 clock1230 🕐 clock1 🕜 clock130 🕑 clock2 🕝 clock230 🕒 clock3 🕞 clock330 🕓 clock4 🕟 clock430 🕔 clock5 🕠 clock530 🕕 clock6 🕡 clock630 🕖 clock7 🕢 clock730 🕗 clock8 🕣 clock830 🕘 clock9 🕤 clock930 🕙 clock10 🕥 clock1030 🕚 clock11 🕦 clock1130 Sky & Weather icon code icon code 🌑 new_moon 🌒 waxing_crescent_moon 🌓 first_quarter_moon 🌔 moon waxing_gibbous_moon 🌕 full_moon 🌖 waning_gibbous_moon 🌗 last_quarter_moon 🌘 waning_crescent_moon 🌙 crescent_moon 🌚 new_moon_with_face 🌛 first_quarter_moon_with_face 🌜 last_quarter_moon_with_face 🌡️ thermometer ☀️ sunny 🌝 full_moon_with_face 🌞 sun_with_face ⭐ star 🌟 star2 🌠 stars 🌌 milky_way ☁️ cloud ⛅ partly_sunny ⛈ cloud_with_lightning_and_rain 🌤 sun_behind_small_cloud 🌥 sun_behind_large_cloud 🌦 sun_behind_rain_cloud 🌧 cloud_with_rain 🌨 cloud_with_snow 🌩 cloud_with_lightning 🌪️ tornado 🌫️ fog 🌬 wind_face 🌀 cyclone 🌈 rainbow 🌂 closed_umbrella ☂️ open_umbrella ☂️ umbrella ⛱️ parasol_on_ground ⚡ zap ❄️ snowflake ☃️ snowman_with_snow ☃️ snowman ☄️ comet 🔥 fire 💧 droplet 🌊 ocean Activities Event icon code icon code 🎃 jack_o_lantern 🎄 christmas_tree 🎆 fireworks 🎇 sparkler ✨ sparkles 🎈 balloon 🎉 tada 🎊 confetti_ball 🎋 tanabata_tree 🎍 bamboo 🎎 dolls 🎏 flags 🎐 wind_chime 🎑 rice_scene 🎀 ribbon 🎁 gift 🎗️ reminder_ribbon 🎟 tickets 🎫 ticket Award Medal icon code icon code 🎖️ medal_military 🏆 trophy 🏅 medal_sports 🥇 1st_place_medal 🥈 2nd_place_medal 🥉 3rd_place_medal Sport icon code icon code ⚽ soccer ⚾ baseball 🏀 basketball 🏐 volleyball 🏈 football 🏉 rugby_football 🎾 tennis 🎳 bowling 🦗 cricket 🏑 field_hockey 🏒 ice_hockey 🏓 ping_pong 🏸 badminton 🥊 boxing_glove 🥋 martial_arts_uniform 🥅 goal_net ⛳ golf ⛸️ ice_skate 🎣 fishing_pole_and_fish 🎽 running_shirt_with_sash 🎿 ski Game icon code icon code 🎯 dart 🎱 8ball 🔮 crystal_ball 🎮 video_game 🕹️ joystick 🎰 slot_machine 🎲 game_die ♠️ spades ♥️ hearts ♦️ diamonds ♣️ clubs 🃏 black_joker 🀄 mahjong 🎴 flower_playing_cards Arts & Crafts icon code icon code 🎭 performing_arts 🖼 framed_picture 🎨 art Objects Clothing icon code icon code 👓 eyeglasses 🕶️ dark_sunglasses 👔 necktie 👕 shirt tshirt 👖 jeans 👗 dress 👘 kimono 👙 bikini 👚 womans_clothes 👛 purse 👜 handbag 👝 pouch 🛍️ shopping 🎒 school_satchel 👞 mans_shoe shoe 👟 athletic_shoe 👠 high_heel 👡 sandal 👢 boot 👑 crown 👒 womans_hat 🎩 tophat 🎓 mortar_board ⛑️ rescue_worker_helmet 📿 prayer_beads 💄 lipstick 💍 ring 💎 gem Sound icon code icon code 🔇 mute 🔈 speaker 🔉 sound 🔊 loud_sound 📢 loudspeaker 📣 mega 📯 postal_horn 🔔 bell 🔕 no_bell Music icon code icon code 🎼 musical_score 🎵 musical_note 🎶 notes 🎙️ studio_microphone 🎚️ level_slider 🎛️ control_knobs 🎤 microphone 🎧 headphones 📻 radio Musical Instrument icon code icon code 🎷 saxophone 🎸 guitar 🎹 musical_keyboard 🎺 trumpet 🎻 violin 🥁 drum Phone icon code icon code 📱 iphone 📲 calling ☎️ phone telephone 📞 telephone_receiver 📟 pager 📠 fax Computer icon code icon code 🔋 battery 🔌 electric_plug 💻 computer 🖥️ desktop_computer 🖨️ printer ⌨️ keyboard 🖱 computer_mouse 🖲️ trackball 💽 minidisc 💾 floppy_disk 💿 cd 📀 dvd Light & Video icon code icon code 🎥 movie_camera 🎞️ film_strip 📽️ film_projector 🎬 clapper 📺 tv 📷 camera 📸 camera_flash 📹 video_camera 📼 vhs 🔍 mag 🔎 mag_right 🕯️ candle 💡 bulb 🔦 flashlight 🏮 izakaya_lantern lantern Book Paper icon code icon code 📔 notebook_with_decorative_cover 📕 closed_book 📖 book open_book 📗 green_book 📘 blue_book 📙 orange_book 📚 books 📓 notebook 📒 ledger 📃 page_with_curl 📜 scroll 📄 page_facing_up 📰 newspaper 🗞️ newspaper_roll 📑 bookmark_tabs 🔖 bookmark 🏷️ label Money icon code icon code 💰 moneybag 💴 yen 💵 dollar 💶 euro 💷 pound 💸 money_with_wings 💳 credit_card 💹 chart Mail icon code icon code ✉️ email envelope 📧 📧 📨 incoming_envelope 📩 envelope_with_arrow 📤 outbox_tray 📥 inbox_tray 📦 package 📫 mailbox 📪 mailbox_closed 📬 mailbox_with_mail 📭 mailbox_with_no_mail 📮 postbox 🗳 ballot_box Writing icon code icon code ✏️ pencil2 ✒️ black_nib 🖋 fountain_pen 🖊 pen 🖌 paintbrush 🖍 crayon 📝 memo pencil Office icon code icon code 💼 briefcase 📁 file_folder 📂 open_file_folder 🗂️ card_index_dividers 📅 date 📆 calendar 🗒 spiral_notepad 🗓 spiral_calendar 📇 card_index 📈 chart_with_upwards_trend 📉 chart_with_downwards_trend 📊 bar_chart 📋 clipboard 📌 pushpin 📍 round_pushpin 📎 paperclip 🖇 paperclips 📏 straight_ruler 📐 triangular_ruler ✂️ scissors 🗃️ card_file_box 🗄️ file_cabinet 🗑️ wastebasket Lock icon code icon code 🔒 lock 🔓 unlock 🔏 lock_with_ink_pen 🔐 closed_lock_with_key 🔑 key 🗝️ old_key Tool icon code icon code 🔨 hammer ⛏️ pick ⚒️ hammer_and_pick 🛠️ hammer_and_wrench 🗡 dagger ⚔️ crossed_swords 🔫 gun 🏹 bow_and_arrow 🛡️ shield 🔧 wrench 🔩 nut_and_bolt ⚙️ gear 🗜 clamp ⚖ balance_scale 🔗 link ⛓️ chains Science icon code icon code ⚗️ alembic 🔬 microscope 🔭 telescope 🛰️ satellite Medical icon code icon code 💉 syringe 💊 pill Household icon code icon code 🚪 door 🛏️ bed 🛋️ couch_and_lamp 🚽 toilet 🚿 shower 🛁 bathtub 🛒 shopping_cart Other Object icon code icon code 🚬 smoking ⚰️ coffin ⚱️ funeral_urn 🗿 moyai Symbols Transport Sign icon code icon code 🏧 atm 🚮 put_litter_in_its_place 🚰 potable_water ♿ wheelchair 🚹 mens 🚺 womens 🚻 restroom 🚼 baby_symbol 🚾 wc 🛂 passport_control 🛃 customs 🛄 baggage_claim 🛅 left_luggage Warning icon code icon code ⚠️ warning 🚸 children_crossing ⛔ no_entry 🚫 no_entry_sign 🚳 no_bicycles 🚭 no_smoking 🚯 do_not_litter 🚱 🚱 🚷 no_pedestrians 📵 no_mobile_phones 🔞 underage ☢ radioactive ☣ biohazard Arrow icon code icon code ⬆️ arrow_up ↗️ arrow_upper_right ➡️ arrow_right ↘️ arrow_lower_right ⬇️ arrow_down ↙️ arrow_lower_left ⬅️ arrow_left ↖️ arrow_upper_left ↕️ arrow_up_down ↔️ left_right_arrow ↩️ leftwards_arrow_with_hook ↪️ arrow_right_hook ⤴️ arrow_heading_up ⤵️ arrow_heading_down 🔃 arrows_clockwise 🔄 arrows_counterclockwise 🔙 back 🔚 end 🔛 on 🔜 soon 🔝 top Religion icon code icon code 🛐 place_of_worship ⚛️ atom_symbol 🕉 om ✡️ star_of_david ☸️ wheel_of_dharma ☯️ yin_yang ✝️ latin_cross ☦️ orthodox_cross ☪️ star_and_crescent ☮️ peace_symbol 🕎 menorah 🔯 six_pointed_star Zodiac icon code icon code ♈ aries ♉ taurus ♊ gemini ♋ cancer ♌ leo ♍ virgo ♎ libra ♏ scorpius ♐ sagittarius ♑ capricorn ♒ aquarius ♓ pisces ⛎ ophiuchus Av Symbol icon code icon code 🔀 twisted_rightwards_arrows 🔁 repeat 🔂 repeat_one ▶️ arrow_forward ⏩ fast_forward ⏭ next_track_button ⏯ play_or_pause_button ◀️ arrow_backward ⏪ rewind ⏮️ previous_track_button 🔼 arrow_up_small ⏫ arrow_double_up 🔽 arrow_down_small ⏬ arrow_double_down ⏸ pause_button ⏹ stop_button ⏺ record_button 🎦 cinema 🔅 low_brightness 🔆 high_brightness 📶 signal_strength 📳 vibration_mode 📴 mobile_phone_off Math icon code icon code ✖️ heavy_multiplication_x ➕ heavy_plus_sign ➖ heavy_minus_sign ➗ heavy_division_sign Punctuation icon code icon code ‼️ bangbang ⁉️ interrobang ❓ question ❔ grey_question ❕ grey_exclamation ❗ exclamation heavy_exclamation_mark 〰️ wavy_dash Currency icon code icon code 💱 currency_exchange 💲 heavy_dollar_sign Keycap icon code icon code #️⃣ hash *️⃣ asterisk 0️⃣ zero 1️⃣ one 2️⃣ two 3️⃣ three 4️⃣ four 5️⃣ five 6️⃣ six 7️⃣ seven 8️⃣ eight 9️⃣ nine 🔟 keycap_ten Alphabet icon code icon code 🔠 capital_abcd 🔡 abcd 🔢 1234 🔣 symbols 🔤 abc 🅰️ a 🆎 ab 🅱️ b 🆑 cl 🆒 cool 🆓 free ℹ️ information_source 🆔 id ⓜ️ m 🆕 new 🆖 ng 🅾️ o2 🆗 ok 🅿️ parking 🆘 sos 🆙 up 🆚 vs 🈁 koko 🈂️ sa 🈷️ u6708 🈶 u6709 🈯 u6307 🉐 ideograph_advantage 🈹 u5272 🈚 u7121 🈲 u7981 🉑 accept 🈸 u7533 🈴 u5408 🈳 u7a7a ㊗️ congratulations ㊙️ secret 🈺 u55b6 🈵 u6e80 Geometric icon code icon code 🔴 red_circle 🔵 large_blue_circle ⚫ black_circle ⚪ white_circle ⬛ black_large_square ⬜ white_large_square ◼️ black_medium_square ◻️ white_medium_square ◾ black_medium_small_square ◽ white_medium_small_square ▪️ black_small_square ▫️ white_small_square 🔶 large_orange_diamond 🔷 large_blue_diamond 🔸 small_orange_diamond 🔹 small_blue_diamond 🔺 small_red_triangle 🔻 small_red_triangle_down 💠 diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside 🔘 radio_button 🔳 white_square_button 🔲 black_square_button Other Symbol icon code icon code ♻️ recycle ⚜️ fleur_de_lis 🔱 trident 📛 name_badge 🔰 beginner ⭕ o ✅ white_check_mark ☑️ ballot_box_with_check ✔️ heavy_check_mark ❌ x ❎ negative_squared_cross_mark ➰ curly_loop ➿ loop 〽️ part_alternation_mark ✳️ eight_spoked_asterisk ✴️ eight_pointed_black_star ❇️ sparkle ©️ copyright ®️ registered ™️ tm Flags Common Flags icon code icon code 🏁 checkered_flag 🚩 triangular_flag_on_post 🎌 crossed_flags 🏴 black_flag 🏳 white_flag 🏳️‍🌈 rainbow_flag Country and Region Flags icon code icon code 🇦🇩 andorra 🇦🇪 united_arab_emirates 🇦🇫 afghanistan 🇦🇬 antigua_barbuda 🇦🇮 anguilla 🇦🇱 albania 🇦🇲 armenia 🇦🇴 angola 🇦🇶 antarctica 🇦🇷 argentina 🇦🇸 american_samoa 🇦🇹 austria 🇦🇺 australia 🇦🇼 aruba 🇦🇽 aland_islands 🇦🇿 azerbaijan 🇧🇦 bosnia_herzegovina 🇧🇧 barbados 🇧🇩 bangladesh 🇧🇪 belgium 🇧🇫 burkina_faso 🇧🇬 bulgaria 🇧🇭 bahrain 🇧🇮 burundi 🇧🇯 benin 🇧🇱 st_barthelemy 🇧🇲 bermuda 🇧🇳 brunei 🇧🇴 bolivia 🇧🇶 caribbean_netherlands 🇧🇷 brazil 🇧🇸 bahamas 🇧🇹 bhutan 🇧🇼 botswana 🇧🇾 belarus 🇧🇿 belize 🇨🇦 canada 🇨🇨 cocos_islands 🇨🇩 congo_kinshasa 🇨🇫 central_african_republic 🇨🇬 congo_brazzaville 🇨🇭 switzerland 🇨🇮 cote_divoire 🇨🇰 cook_islands 🇨🇱 chile 🇨🇲 cameroon 🇨🇳 cn 🇨🇴 colombia 🇨🇷 costa_rica 🇨🇺 cuba 🇨🇻 cape_verde 🇨🇼 curacao 🇨🇽 christmas_island 🇨🇾 cyprus 🇨🇿 czech_republic 🇩🇪 de 🇩🇯 djibouti 🇩🇰 denmark 🇩🇲 dominica 🇩🇴 dominican_republic 🇩🇿 algeria 🇪🇨 ecuador 🇪🇪 estonia 🇪🇬 egypt 🇪🇭 western_sahara 🇪🇷 eritrea 🇪🇸 es 🇪🇹 ethiopia 🇪🇺 eu european_union 🇫🇮 finland 🇫🇯 fiji 🇫🇰 falkland_islands 🇫🇲 micronesia 🇫🇴 faroe_islands 🇫🇷 fr 🇬🇦 gabon 🇬🇧 gb uk 🇬🇩 grenada 🇬🇪 georgia 🇬🇫 french_guiana 🇬🇬 guernsey 🇬🇭 ghana 🇬🇮 gibraltar 🇬🇱 greenland 🇬🇲 gambia 🇬🇳 guinea 🇬🇵 guadeloupe 🇬🇶 equatorial_guinea 🇬🇷 greece 🇬🇸 south_georgia_south_sandwich_islands 🇬🇹 guatemala 🇬🇺 guam 🇬🇼 guinea_bissau 🇬🇾 guyana 🇭🇰 hong_kong 🇭🇳 honduras 🇭🇷 croatia 🇭🇹 haiti 🇭🇺 hungary 🇮🇨 canary_islands 🇮🇩 indonesia 🇮🇪 ireland 🇮🇱 israel 🇮🇲 isle_of_man 🇮🇳 india 🇮🇴 british_indian_ocean_territory 🇮🇶 iraq 🇮🇷 iran 🇮🇸 iceland 🇮🇹 it 🇯🇪 jersey 🇯🇲 jamaica 🇯🇴 jordan 🇯🇵 jp 🇰🇪 kenya 🇰🇬 kyrgyzstan 🇰🇭 cambodia 🇰🇮 kiribati 🇰🇲 comoros 🇰🇳 st_kitts_nevis 🇰🇵 north_korea 🇰🇷 kr 🇰🇼 kuwait 🇰🇾 cayman_islands 🇰🇿 kazakhstan 🇱🇦 laos 🇱🇧 lebanon 🇱🇨 st_lucia 🇱🇮 liechtenstein 🇱🇰 sri_lanka 🇱🇷 liberia 🇱🇸 lesotho 🇱🇹 lithuania 🇱🇺 luxembourg 🇱🇻 latvia 🇱🇾 libya 🇲🇦 morocco 🇲🇨 monaco 🇲🇩 moldova 🇲🇪 montenegro 🇲🇬 madagascar 🇲🇭 marshall_islands 🇲🇰 macedonia 🇲🇱 mali 🇲🇲 myanmar 🇲🇳 mongolia 🇲🇴 macau 🇲🇵 northern_mariana_islands 🇲🇶 martinique 🇲🇷 mauritania 🇲🇸 montserrat 🇲🇹 malta 🇲🇺 mauritius 🇲🇻 maldives 🇲🇼 malawi 🇲🇽 mexico 🇲🇾 malaysia 🇲🇿 mozambique 🇳🇦 namibia 🇳🇨 new_caledonia 🇳🇪 niger 🇳🇫 norfolk_island 🇳🇬 nigeria 🇳🇮 nicaragua 🇳🇱 netherlands 🇳🇴 norway 🇳🇵 nepal 🇳🇷 nauru 🇳🇺 niue 🇳🇿 new_zealand 🇴🇲 oman 🇵🇦 panama 🇵🇪 peru 🇵🇫 french_polynesia 🇵🇬 papua_new_guinea 🇵🇭 philippines 🇵🇰 pakistan 🇵🇱 poland 🇵🇲 st_pierre_miquelon 🇵🇳 pitcairn_islands 🇵🇷 puerto_rico 🇵🇸 palestinian_territories 🇵🇹 portugal 🇵🇼 palau 🇵🇾 paraguay 🇶🇦 qatar 🇷🇪 reunion 🇷🇴 romania 🇷🇸 serbia 🇷🇺 ru 🇷🇼 rwanda 🇸🇦 saudi_arabia 🇸🇧 solomon_islands 🇸🇨 seychelles 🇸🇩 sudan 🇸🇪 sweden 🇸🇬 singapore 🇸🇭 st_helena 🇸🇮 slovenia 🇸🇰 slovakia 🇸🇱 sierra_leone 🇸🇲 san_marino 🇸🇳 senegal 🇸🇴 somalia 🇸🇷 suriname 🇸🇸 south_sudan 🇸🇹 sao_tome_principe 🇸🇻 el_salvador 🇸🇽 sint_maarten 🇸🇾 syria 🇸🇿 swaziland 🇹🇨 turks_caicos_islands 🇹🇩 chad 🇹🇫 french_southern_territories 🇹🇬 togo 🇹🇭 thailand 🇹🇯 tajikistan 🇹🇰 tokelau 🇹🇱 timor_leste 🇹🇲 turkmenistan 🇹🇳 tunisia 🇹🇴 tonga 🇹🇷 tr 🇹🇹 trinidad_tobago 🇹🇻 tuvalu 🇹🇼 taiwan 🇹🇿 tanzania 🇺🇦 ukraine 🇺🇬 uganda 🇺🇸 us 🇺🇾 uruguay 🇺🇿 uzbekistan 🇻🇦 vatican_city 🇻🇨 st_vincent_grenadines 🇻🇪 venezuela 🇻🇬 british_virgin_islands 🇻🇮 us_virgin_islands 🇻🇳 vietnam 🇻🇺 vanuatu 🇼🇫 wallis_futuna 🇼🇸 samoa 🇽🇰 kosovo 🇾🇪 yemen 🇾🇹 mayotte 🇿🇦 south_africa 🇿🇲 zambia 🇿🇼 zimbabwe

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