CS collection
CS50’s Understanding Technology / David J. Malan / harvard
bilibili -
CS50: Introduction to Computer Science / David J. Malan / harvard
website -
CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python 2020
CS50 Python AI 2020 youtube
Parallel computing
Performance Engineering of Software Systems / Charles Julian / MIT
HPC入门课程 -
Applications of Parallel Computers CS267 / James Demmel Kathy Yelick / UC Berkeley
并行计算大佬James Demmel和Kathy Yelick -
Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming / Bryant / CMU Fall 2018
- Randy Bryant / CMU / Fall 2018
- Kayvon / CMU / spring 2016 bilibili
KAYVON FATAHALIAN has been moved to Stanford, before that he taught parallel computer at CMU.
Computer Architecture / Onur Mutlu
Computer Architecture Onur Mutlu 2020
Computer Architecture Onur Mutlu 2015
materials 2015 -
Parallel Programming 平行程式课程
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Yt411W7td?p=2&spm_id_from=pageDriver -
Stanford CME 213 Introduction to parallel computing using MPI, openMP, and CUDA Winter 2020 Eric Darve
class website
class website spring 2021
GPU Computing
Download old version from CUDA archive or the new one CUDA 10.2 for Ubuntu 18 16/Centos 8 7 6 or CUDA 11 for Ubuntu 20.04 18.04 16.04/Centos 8 7.
Intro to the Class - Intro to Parallel Programming
基于NVIDIA GPU的CUDA编程教程。同时也适合利用GPU加速图像处理的入门学习。是非常基础的教程,适合无基础学